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Note that this page is outdated as the Jelly interaction UI is currently being redesigned.

When interacting with a jelly, a UI menu with three pages, will be pulled up. One for quickly using actions for the jelly. One for seeing the status of the jelly, including its trust level, and the status of each of its needs. One for seeing what abilities and needs the jelly will unlock in each level.

Feature Summary

When interacting with a jelly, a UI menu with three pages, will be pulled up. One for quickly using actions for the jelly. One for seeing the status of the jelly, including its trust level and the status of each of its needs. One for seeing what abilities and needs the jelly will unlock in each level.


Feature Components

Use Action Page

This is the page that will first be opened when opening the UI. It will show a button for each ability currently unlocked for the jelly. Pressing those buttons will close the UI menu and perform the action.

More about the jelly's abilities: Jelly Abilities

Status Page

The status page will show the current trust level of the jelly and the progress toward the next level. It will also show the status of each need the jelly currently has unlocked and the overall happiness meter.

More about jelly needs: Jelly Needs

Level Tree Page

The level tree page will show a list of trust levels, and for each level what abilities will be unlocked and upgraded, and what needs will be unlocked. If the list is larger than what can be in the UI menu, there should be a slide bar to navigate it.

More about trust levels: Jelly Trust Levels


When the player clicks a jelly the UI should be displayed above it's in world space. It should face the player. Moving your crosshair onto the UI should turn the crosshair into a mouse pointer the player can use to interact with the UI. Moving the mouse out of the UI again should turn it back into the normal crosshair.

Example Visual

Use Action:


Level Tree:


What should be manipulable in the Unity editor

Considerations and Dependencies

Team Dependency
Programming UI Functionality
Art Stylized Jelly UI
Programming Trust Levels
Programming Jelly Needs
Programming Jelly Abilities

External Documents List

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