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Humans arrive on Alicia in 2,940 normal human years/times on Aug. 3rd.

Alicia has 1 sister planet and 2 moons.

Related documentation:

Sky Jellies Old
Time: In our game series time does not flow like it does on earth. Day: Day = 1 rotation of Saris and Alicia around a shared gravitational axis. 2 hours of darkness8 hours of “ice” light (planet Saris). This is as bright as our day but more blue. 8 hours of sun -- brighter than our day. These 18 hours pass in 32 min Earth time. Week: Week = 7 ”Days”Week = 1 rotation of the smaller purple moon Nebtarus. Week in SkyJellies = 224 min. Month: Month = 21 “Days” - 672 earth-min. Month = 1 rotation of the larger white moon (Argela). Month 1: Winter Month 2: Spring Month 3: Spring Month 4: Spring Month 5: Summer Month 6: Summer Month 7: Summer Month 8: Summer Month 9: Fall Month 10: Fall Month 11: Winter Month 12: Winter Year: Year = 12 “Months”, 252 “Days” 134.4 Earth hours per year.
Time: In our game series time does not flow like it does on earth: Day: Day = 1 rotation of Saris and Alicia around a shared gravitational axis. Day = 18 earth hours1 hour of darkness8 hours of “ice” light (planet Saris). This is as bright as our day but more blue. 9 hours of the sun -- brighter than our day. Week: Week = 3 ”Days” Week = 1 rotation of the smaller purple moon Nebtarus. Week in SkyJellies = 54 min. Month: Month = 9 “Days” - 162 hours. Month = 1 rotation of the larger white moon (Argela). Month 1: Winter Month 2: Winter Month 3: Spring Month 4: Summer Month 5: Summer Month 6: Summer Month 7: Fall Month 8 Winter Year: Year = 8 “Months”, 72 “Days”


Sharis System:

Alicia - An ocean world with a single huge pangea. Tropical, warm, lively - HOME
Nebtarus - Moon 1 - Small purple world that shines bright at night
Argela - Moon 2 - Slightly larger dusty brown/red world that is much further away (white in diagram).
Saris - Ice giant - location of many end-game goodies

Planet size:

Pangea Planet = 34 pixels

Moon 1 = 13 pixels

Moon 2 = 22 pixels

Ice Planet - 57 pixels

View this page for more details on the planets: Planets

Ideally how dark night gets:


Planet: Brown Gas Giant

3 moons.



Green & Blue Gas



The moons are likely to eclipse each other 3 times per month. For how long will they do so? What sort of weather will a close icy planet produce? High tides?


Since night is so short we could have it so that only on very specific days can you see specific moons and planets. On those specific days, you will find portals in the mine that relates to that type of species.


The alignment of the planets makes it so that every single day you have one eclipse that causes 1 hour of darkness. However, the darkness is not total as the light of Argela, the larger white moon lights the night sky.

When the Pangea is not facing the Sun it's still incredibly well-lit because of Saris.

Once every nine days however every single planet and moon lines up between Alicia and it’s star. This causes total darkness and a very high tide.

You want this weather system to be as deep and as imaginative as possible.

View this page for more details on the planet's weather: Weather

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