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Our game should be playable for very casual gamers or even non-gamers. This means the game should be highly accessible.

💖 Caretakers -- People who love to take care of cute creatures.

🤗 People-oriented people -- Since interfacing with the unique personality of cute creatures is an important part of our game it will naturally gravitate toward attracting people who are naturally curious about other people's psychology.

🌷 Decorators -- There will be a lot of arranging beautiful spaces, mostly natural and sometimes physical. Think of building a beautiful natural oasis or a cute little hamster home.

As seen in our Miro >>

Games like this are more likely to be played by compassionate people due to the caregiving aspect, however, the sandbox nature of the game leaves a lot of room for creative-builders too.

When making the game, think, "family-friendly, but not childish."

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