Mouse X + Y
- Universal control for panning the camera in first-person or third-person games
Mouse + Click
- Universal mouse control for PC applications
Possible Alternative: Arrow Keys + Enter
- In some cases it's good to offer alternative controls for navigating menus in the event that something malfunctions with the primary controls
Escape, M
- Escape is the universal key for opening a pause menu, settings menu, or even exiting the game
- M can be used, as it easy to remember "M for Menu"
W, A, S, D
- These keys are used universally for first-person and third-person movement in PC games
L-Shift + W, A, S, D
- In majority of first-person and third-person games, L-Shift, in combination with any of the walking keys, is used to sprint
Possible Alternative: Double Tap W
- Double tapping the forward key is another common control used in first-person and third-person games to sprint
- C for crouch and/or prone, commonly used in games
Possible Alternative: L-Ctrl
- This is another common control used in first-person and third-person games for crouching or going prone
- This key is used universally to interact with things across many first-person and third-person games
Mouse + Right Click
- This key is the opposite to "hitting" or destroying a block with the Left Click key (assuming that becomes a mechanic in the future)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
- Numbers are universally used in games in which the player has multiple item slots. Each number corresponds with its slot in order from left to right
- We use E to interact with the Island Heart and perform its primary mechanic/interaction, which is adding Jelly Dew to it
- Next to the E key to perform the secondary island heart mechanic of adding Jelly to it
Possible Alternative: E
- Perhaps we can have the player use the Interact E key to open a menu in which they have the option to drag and drop either Jelly or Jelly Dew into a slot, depending on their needs
- Used to perform the primary mechanic on the jelly, easiest to navigate to, and utilizes the general Interact key
Possible Alternative: F
- This can be used since it is easy to remember "F for Feed," and we shouldn't use the general Interact key if feeding the jelly isn't the only mechanic that can be performed on the jelly
- Next to the E key to perform the second jelly mechanic
Possible Alternative: Mouse + Left Click (with empty hand)
- The player can easily get confused or struggle to build muscle memory if there is more than one interaction key on the jelly, especially since there is no correlation with the letter and the action itself
- Next to the R key to perform the third mechanic on the jelly
Possible Alternative: G
- Slightly easier for the player to remember where to navigate their index finger since it is directly to the right rather than diagonal from the default hand position, and it also may be easier to remember "G for Grab"
Possible Alternative: Q
- Closer to WASD, and also easier to remember/navigate to
Mouse Scroll
- Universally used to progressively switch the perspective of the player by "zooming" in and out with the scroll wheel. The action of "zooming" in and out with the scroll wheel is commonly used across most PC applications
Possible Alternative: P
- Perhaps this can be used to quickly switch from first-person to the maximum field of view of third-person. It's also easy to remember "P for Perspective"