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Note that Step 4 is outdated.

The main gameplay loop we as Designers are working around is:

  1. The player goes and explores Biomes and Islands to find resources
  2. The player takes these resources and goes to Jelly that inhabits the island and feeds and nurtures Jellies with these resources
  3. Jelly is happy and feels grateful for being taken care of and provides the Player with a Unique resource only Jellies give, and that is Jelly Dew. The Player takes this Jelly Dew and feeds it to the Island Heart (The main source of power for each Biome) and the Island Heart grows in size and power.
  4. Note that this step is outdated. Island Heart provides the player with these building blocks represented by that biome, the player takes these blocks and builds to get to more Islands and/or make new islands.

For more details on the game loop: Design Overview

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